

● poems
● fictions
● nonfictions
● chapbooks

ander monson ● bruce smith ● joan connor ● jim daniels ● katherine soniat ● charles jensen ● lou suarez ● rane arroyo ● tony crunk ● janet mccann ● john pursley iii ● emily rapp ● kelli russell agodon ● diane glancy ● josh russell ● mark neely ● chris forhan ● alison pelegrin ● kat meads ● angela balcita ● kristine somerville ● elizabeth rees ● you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!.....

our aesthetic? catholic, small c.

send to RMR ● 1800 eighth avenue north ● birmingham, alabama 35203...OR...send an attachment to RMRsubmissions@gmail.com!

be sure to include the title and the genre in the subject line, such as: "Moby Dick (fiction)"; "Five Poems"; "The Wasteland (chapbook)"; etc. if you want to be extra safe, send the text of your manuscript in the body of the e-mail as well.

We're reading for RMR3 from now through April 2007!

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